1994 #3 Apasmara

   Since my incarceration in a mental ward in 1990 I had had talks with a therapist named Marie once a week. She had almost convinced me that my experiences had been the results of a delusional mind. I had not seen a demon in almost 4 years, so I was totally unprepared for what happened in the autumn of 94.
    I was riding the tram, which was almost full of people. I was minding my own business when suddenly at a stop a man of extraordinary short height entered the tram. This midget or dwarf immediately caught my attention. He stared right back at me, and I swear I could feel the hatred in his eyes. That is when I realized that he was in fact a demon! I knew, oh I knew. It all came back to me and the horror I felt struck me with the force of a panic-attack. The little demon moved up the isle towards where I was seated and as I feared for my life I started to sweat profously. There was nowhere to hide either really. I was seated next to a window with a fat woman with bags right next to me. I was petrified as the fake dwarf snuck in and took the seat right behind my back. I don't know for how long I sat there, my heart racing. I could hear him breathe down my neck, and I did not dare to turn around. I thought to myself: -Does no one here see what's going on? Will no one help me? But I gradually realized that I was on my own and that I had to take action was I to survive this ordeal.
    I don't know from where I got the strength, but suddenly it was as though my body reacted on it's own without me giving orders to it. I think it was pure survival instinct. I pushed my way past the fat lady blocking the way to the isle. Her bags spilled out on the floor and I could hear her scream. I rushed to the doors of the tram but they were of course locked as the tram was in motion. I grabbed the handle of the emergency break and the tram came to a halt in the middle of a busy street. There was commotion around me. Some passengers seemed to be angry with me. One man stood up and swore at me, trying to grab me. I think I tried to explain the situation to him, motioning toward the demon a few seats away, but to no avail. I again tried the doors but they would not open.
I then ran up to the driver of the tram who had left his seat up front.
"You have to open the doors. This is an emergency!" I begged him.
He shook his head unsympathetically, and asked me what the problem was.
    Starting to really panic I told him there was a demon on board and that lives were in danger. I pointed to the dwarf demon. People around us then said I was an idiot. I!! They were blind and could not see! The driver told me to settle down and take it easy and wait for the police. That is when I managed to find the emergency exit opener and although the driver tried to hold on to me I dashed into the street and ran.
   After this ordeal I hid out at home. I was down with the flu, and in the meantime I did some research. Back in those days I did not have access to the internet, which was brand new by the way and almost unknown to me. I went to the library and got a book on demonology1. There I came upon a note about the demon Apasmara who appears in the shape of a dwarf. This is how I know of the demons identity. This is also when I decided to always carry a camera to be prepared should I encounter any more demonic beings. Since I did not have a photo of Apasmara I did a lot of research on the internet in later years and finally I think I found him. The picture is not taken by me, but resembles Apasmara a lot and might be that of him.

1 The book in question being C. Raake/P. Weijland "Demoner och familjärer" 1930


  1. i belive you i do think that they exist i have had something like that happen to me before

    1. I seen real ones. The hatred red eyes are a small image of the pit. Hatred and evil in their eyes. Their true form is pitch black or without light! They are truly fallen without hope. They may appear in many forms, but the form I saw was as a shadow, a red set of eyes that are a eternity of anger and vengence, their heads look as a candle that flickers only black instead of fire. They have no face and without doubt, if God was not walking to protect us at all times with multitudes of angels, they would easily destroy us in an instant! Thank God for Jesus, the only one that saves us from the pit; truth always....

    2. All thoughts who have ears to hear, recite to yourself that you are a sinner. Realize you need a saviour before it is too late. If not you will not escape the pit, and these monsters will reap vengence on you for all eternity. But fear not, for the Lord is a mighty just God! He wishes no man to perish, but you must turn from sin by first crying out for Yeshua (Jesus) to save you from eternal damnation. Ask for forgiveness and spend every day sinning no more. It is possible although I myself fall short, therefore repentance is my only hope but faithfulness is a must, get up and try again till you get it right asking Christ to lead you to the right path. After this you will developed your own relationship with Christ 100% based on faith. Faith is a force unseen by the human eye and that becomes the new account of your relationship with God. Good deeds are filthy rags so we must work on being faithful to God and Upright! Don't take my word for it but read the bible. Just as you need to be faithful to ones wife and child(s), is your illustration to your faithfulness to Jesus! Aim for perfection but have faith if you fail to trust Jesus still loves you. Your desire to serve him becomes stronger and sin seems to fade as you grow. In Jesus Name, Amen

    3. All thoughts who have ears to hear, recite to yourself that you are a sinner. Realize you need a saviour before it is too late. If not you will not escape the pit, and these monsters will reap vengence on you for all eternity. But fear not, for the Lord is a mighty just God! He wishes no man to perish, but you must turn from sin by first crying out for Yeshua (Jesus) to save you from eternal damnation. Ask for forgiveness and spend every day sinning no more. It is possible although I myself fall short, therefore repentance is my only hope but faithfulness is a must, get up and try again till you get it right asking Christ to lead you to the right path. After this you will developed your own relationship with Christ 100% based on faith. Faith is a force unseen by the human eye and that becomes the new account of your relationship with God. Good deeds are filthy rags so we must work on being faithful to God and Upright! Don't take my word for it but read the bible. Just as you need to be faithful to ones wife and child(s), is your illustration to your faithfulness to Jesus! Aim for perfection but have faith if you fail to trust Jesus still loves you. Your desire to serve him becomes stronger and sin seems to fade as you grow. In Jesus Name, Amen

    4. Oh man here we go again with this preaching stuff. . I think u Christian n preachers have it ALL WRONG. U think just by praying and begging the Lord for forgiveness will save u? Then how come prayers aren't answered more everyday? Do u really think that just by prayin and following commandments will get u close to god? Have u heard of psychics? They can see stuff that people can't because they are intune with their psychic senses and we have them for a reason why would God give us them if we shouldn't use them? But in order to understand God and why ur hear u need to do some research and understand the real meaning behind jesuses message in the bible. We all have potential to be like God cause we are created in his image right? We have divine gifts and we need to access them by knowing our true selves and opening our psychic abilities. This guy who can see demons is already farther ahead then u and is more intune. When u can see spirits from the other side u have already opened ur soul and there is still work to do. U have much work left just remember religion and churches will prevent u from opening ur soul go to www.askrealjesus. com if u wanna learn more

    5. Oh man here we go again with this preaching stuff. . I think u Christian n preachers have it ALL WRONG. U think just by praying and begging the Lord for forgiveness will save u? Then how come prayers aren't answered more everyday? Do u really think that just by prayin and following commandments will get u close to god? Have u heard of psychics? They can see stuff that people can't because they are intune with their psychic senses and we have them for a reason why would God give us them if we shouldn't use them? But in order to understand God and why ur hear u need to do some research and understand the real meaning behind jesuses message in the bible. We all have potential to be like God cause we are created in his image right? We have divine gifts and we need to access them by knowing our true selves and opening our psychic abilities. This guy who can see demons is already farther ahead then u and is more intune. When u can see spirits from the other side u have already opened ur soul and there is still work to do. U have much work left just remember religion and churches will prevent u from opening ur soul go to www.askrealjesus. com if u wanna learn more

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. more info on It: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apasmara

  4. You need to seek treatment. I am not being mean. You really need to seek help. See, I beleive in demons. But you had no reason to beleive the dwarf was a demon. Its things like this that discredit true real demon accounts. It was paranoia in your mind. A person of a sound mind would know better than to tell the driver to stop the train because a demon was onboard. Just that in itself tells me you do need to seek help. Please do that,get help! You have had mental health issues that landed you in the institution,it is happenening again. You need to seek help,your life depends on it.

    1. when you see one, you know it... people like you, not mundane, but still too Human to act makes me sick, you have the kay to evolve but dont useit. im going in a trip around the world when i end schoold. i need rational people with me.

    2. I agree u even said u were in a mental institution. U need to find peace with in ur self. U will over think to the point where u think its real. I would of believe u. If u didnt say ur mental and going to a therapist

    3. I agree. And shit like this down grades real demons a lot.

  5. Y know me and my father are demons! Y took our pictures and said y would tell our story. where is IT ????

  6. I had a experience slimier to yours i believe you. your not crazy what you saw was real.

  7. Google demon encounters... first link brings me here and first sentence begins with "Since my incarceration in a mental ward in 1990 I had had talks with a therapist named Marie once a week." LMAO

  8. When this happens its scarry. I have been fight them along time myself. Even had to go through a exsorsisim. First thing to do ask for salvation invite Jesus Christ into you and your life. Best place to start understanding how to be Gods worrior is in ephesiens all of it. And everyday read and pray. Confess all your sins, and know by the word you are. Deamons are all about trying to destroy Gods creation of us. Use blessed olive oil. You can do this look in the book James. Then anoint doors window and your self. Read psalms outloud helps sooth the soul. Remember first of all Jesus has already won the battle over them. Stand on your faith. As it says we walk by faith not by sight. Don't be afraid to ask your minister for help. Try going to a full faith church. Christ be with you always and God bless you.


  10. So u saw a midget having a bad day which attracted your attention and you think its a demon?....This is idiotic.

  11. Welp... Anything is possible, so maybe that little guy might actually be a demon. But... Did he do anything to you or say anything that's threatening?? Please let me know. Thanks

  12. You're a great writer, but using rational thinking and reasoning, I would assume that the man you thought to be apasmara was just a midget, which doesn't make someone a demon. Besides, you have no other reasoning in your story that would make you assume he was demonic. I'm not saying that demons do not exist, but your reaction wasn't warranted (if this story is even true). In your case, someone who might look abnormal or different does not make that person evil.

  13. All midgets are evil. born of the same bloodline. they worship satanic llama's.

  14. Perhaps they are just normal people, it is just a matter of perspective.

  15. I once saw a demon in a shoe shop buying small shoes!!!

  16. OMG! My friend, I don't mean to hurt your feelings... but you are nuts! You did not describe what about this person caused you to believe he was a demon. Just cause he's a small person? I agree with others that tour are paranoid. You need to seek some help. Your story discredits others.

  17. who writes or spells so poorly like this in this day and age. It is clear the same ignorant person (man) wrote most of these. The spelling, grammar, etc. is embarassing to begin with. Go back to school, and dont post on the internet without a spell check. Dummy

    1. Says you who doesn't use an uppercase letter to start your paragraph, forgets to put an apostrophe in don't and doesn't use a question mark after the word age. Really? Check yourself first, love.

  18. It is a great story & the comments are also.
    Maybe this person cannot articulate as well as would explain the happenings precisely ?

  19. The spelling from all of you is just atrocious.

    1. agreed. I will never get back the 5 minutes I just wasted reading this garbage.

  20. if you are still around let me know we need to talk asap.

  21. First of all, I'm a bit appalled here (just visiting by chance, btw) at the amount of callous, insensitive or downright insulting comments directed at someone who is clearly - at the very least - going through a period of great instability and confusion. I agree, though, that the writer of this piece has a definite issue that needs treatment, whatever form that might take - in any case don't lock yourself in at home, TALK about this what someone you can trust and who knows about what you have been going through, and above all take this RATIONALLY until you can find a way to calm yourself down. Demons might exist, in one sense or another, but that doesn't mean that any person whose physical form differs significantly from the average standard is a devil in disguise! Nothing in your story indicates that he actually did anything, your reactions were based merely on your own perception and bias as to his nature and intentions towards you. You wouldn't raise hell over someone being a thief just because you 'felt' he was eyeing your wallet a little too eagerly, would you (at least I hope you see why that would be inappropriate)? Remember: your feelings CAN lie to you, and just because you 'feel evil emanating' from a person of small stature is no reason to knock over your fellow passengers to bring a tram to a screeching halt... trust me, if the potential demon would venture a serious attempt to jump and bite you, your fellow travellers WOULD DEFINITELY NOTICE and at that moment you would be perfectly justified to cause a commotion. Until such time, however, the best defence is to keep your cool, maintain a safe distance (if only for your own nerves and peace of mind), and congratulate yourself on your self-control once the potential demon gets off at his chosen stop or you arrive safely at yours with a sigh of relief...

  22. No wonder the dwarf was giving you the evil eye when you were looking straight at him because he was a dwarf and you were thinking he was a demon munchkin, the wee man was probably getting stared at all day long and by the time he got on the tram he was passed off! I don't believe you saw a demon pal

  23. If he looked like the midget in the picture he is definitly a demon. Just look at that creepy fcker. I would have ran too!

    but all joking aside, i think you could be a little delusional. no offence. just something to look into

  24. demons are nothing to be afraid of :) don't worry almost all demons that cross into our world are indeed human friendly. next time you encounter a demon(in its true form or a taken form) try to make contact with it. Remember to be friendly and best of luck to you with your encounters. :)

    1. p.s Apasmara is a friendly demon who preserves the knowledge of mankind. i wish i could have seen it myself there is so much to be learned from demons. :)

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  26. Being involved in spiritual satanism I can say you're lucky. I highly doubt he killed someone. Demons seldomly harm. And when they do its not grave or serious. It's just to make their presence known or make a point. Like mine has left claw marks on people. But refuses to touch me.

  27. Evil demons are easier felt/seen than your typical ghosts. My advice? Dont provoke them without expecting some form of backlash/demonic possession. From personal experience.... guilt, anger, sadness, and bitterness are all wrapped into one emotion. They simply dont care about your fear, but feed on it instead.

  28. So you saw a short person you refer to as a midget or dwarf, stare at him and think he will not be angered? Of course he displayed his anger towards you! And this person you just belittled sat "behind you" so he must be trying to harm you? Think about it. You just belittled him and made him feel like a second class citizen. His negative life experiences (probably from uneducated people like you) has caused him to be very self conscious of himself and thus he's very low in self confidence. So he sat behind you to avoid a further demeaning encounter. What I am trying to say is your observations can easily be explained. If anything, YOU ARE THE DEMON for assuming this nonsense against that man. And like others stated, it's foolish assumptions like yours that's creates doubt and disbelief in the paranormal. You are a fool and need to reevaluate future encounters.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. The little guy is a demon. Allow me to introduce myself. Im Synjian Begodian, demon hunter. The little guy is of the Demon Extraul order. An ancient Mesopotamian Jack Demon. Very cunning, very dangerous. If you see one, you must kill on sight. Otherwise, the world is in danger,for they only surface before evil events.

    1. Yes. I too am a follower. The Jack Demon, sometimes mistaken for a Jinn in the Middle Eastern countries, deceives all those who observed it. One sign is the the devious smile this one has. Notice the cunning, devilish smile. A dead give away. The easiest way to positively identify it is to hold a mirror next and see if its reflection cast a "blue gas" figure. But don't feel bad, they can only be destroyed by using a knife or sharp instrument buried in the Iranian desert for at least 10 days. You see the Jack Demon can only be destroyed using elements from its inception. Beware. They are real.

  31. I have encountered Apasmara. The image you posted is false, It is a being who truly/only dwells in the mind of the individual. Its reach: unthinkable. Its power: endless. Its birthplace: lies and falsehoods. Be sure you remind yourself to avoid It next tint you speak.

  32. I need more first person experiences like this with demons, witchcraft, etc. If anybody wants to have a discussion please message me!

  33. I too have encountered ancient Demons of the Extraul Order. Ancient Mesopotamian Jack Demons tend appear as members of high society. They enjoy living on the high end and love the feeling of power. Befriend them and you will have a powerful ally. Anger them and nothing on this Earth can help you. Good luck all.

  34. Hello,

    I am the one you are all commenting about. Yes...I am yezamotapian jack demon. Be seeing you.
